CANTELON, Willard. LSD: Battle for the Mind.
Glendale, CA: Supreme Recordings, ca. 1966. LP record. Evangelist Willard Cantelon, while conceding that God can be reached through LSD, suggests religion as a more reliable way, not fraught with the perils of a possible "freak-out." An interesting approach, but the real virtue of this album is the outrageously exploitative cover which feaures a photograph of a man with bulging eyes in whose outstretched hand is an LSD sugar cube. Superimposed in the foreground is a distorted, screaming skull, and at the top in huge, pseudo-3-D letters "LSD," with everything bathed in a murky greenish-red light. Must be seen to be fully appreciated.
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this one up from backup from original pressing LP.
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