cartridge demos- AUDIO TECHNICA VS at11e • at12sa • at150mlx

Needle drop comparisons with 3 Cartridges and 3 Records

One Eliptical stylus, one Shibata, and one Micro Linear.
All Audio Technica brand .

tracks used -
2- Black Satin - DJ KRUSH - Miles Davis RMX
3- Like a Rolling Stone - HUGO MONTENEGRO

The AT11e looks exactly like a AT12sa stylus (said it was when I ordered it) but it turned out to be some odd Eliptical stylus that looks like AT11 (green stylus) under the loup
so I mounted it on my AT11 cartridge and it sounds fine.

The AT554sa is a hybrid AT12sa  (shibata)

technical - captured @24/64  - of course much data lost once uploaded to Youtube
as it converts high bit rate audio to AAC stream.


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